Autore Topic: Allerta meteo per oggi !  (Letto 2078 volte)

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Allerta meteo per oggi !
« il: 29/06/2014 09:14 »
Occhio: giornata estremamente pericolosa dal primo pomeriggio e fino a notte inoltrata !

A HIGH risk has been issued for N-NE Italy, N Adriatic, extreme W Slovenia and extreme NW Croatia for large hail to very large hail, torrential excessive rainfall, severe wind gusts and tornadoes. Conditions are coming together for a severe weather outbreak along the southern Alpine flank starting by early afternoon over NW Italy and spreading east during the late afternoon and evening hours. Very strong instability and shear, combined with a strongly helical environment suggest that supercells will be the dominant storm mode, with a significant fraction being potentially tornadic. A strong tornado is quite possible. Storms should grow upscale into large cluster or two in the evening hours while spreading into N Adriatic and Slovenia. Persisting SW flow onto the complex Alpine terrain should lead into excessive rainfall amounts, locally in excess of 100mm / 24hrs especially along the southern Alpine flank into NW Slovenia.
quando che le pegore le va a destra.. mi vago a sinistra. e quando le va a sinistra mi vago a destra !